Relations with the EU are a strategic asset and central element to Israel. Not only is Europe Israel’s largest trading partner, but Europe also provides a pillar of norms and values with which Israel identifies, a source of diplomatic and security support, the primary partner in research and innovation as well as in shared cultural endeavors. Given the vital importance of these ties, Israel must devote attention and resources to preserving, expanding and deepening them. This document presents principles and recommendations in four key policy areas – Israel’s attitude towards ties with the EU, as well as diplomatic, civil, and economic relations. These recommendations were put together by a Mitvim Institute task-team, comprised of Dr. Maya Sion-Tzidkiyahu, Dr. Nimrod Goren, Amb. (Ret.) Eviatar Manor, MK Nitzan Horowitz (while out of office), Dr. Eyal Ronen, Raanan Eliaz, Dr. Roee Kibrik and Merav Kahana-Dagan, in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.