On the 27th of September the Mitvim institute hosted a virtual briefing with regards to the position of the Israeli public on major foreign policy issues, as those were reflected through Mitvim’s Israeli Foreign Policy Index (FPI). The FPI, conducted by the Rafi Smith Institute in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, provides an overview of the key findings from our 11th annual public opinion poll.
This year, the FPI analyzed public perceptions on the drastic changes in Israel’s foreign affairs since the formation of Netanyahu’s far-right government. The index is divided into five areas: Israel’s foreign affairs apparatus, Israel’s foreign relations, the Judicial “Reform’s” implications for Israel’s foreign relations, Israel and the region, and Israel and the Palestinians.
The briefing delved into significant insights from the FPI through an analysis of the critical gap between the public’s views and the fundamental foreign policy goals and mindset of the current government.